Historical Fiction: Henry's Freedom Box by Ellen Levine

    Henry, being born into slavery did not know what it was like to be free. All of his family, his wife and children were slaves,  One day his wife and children were sold to a different man and shipped away immediately. Everything that made Henry happy in life was gone.  He was determined to be free and to free his family.  One day Henry saw a big crate and realized that it was big enough for him to fit into.  He decides to get help from one of his friends who is white and against slavery.  His friend mails him in that giant box to a place where there is no slavery.  When he gets there he has a new birthday to celebrate, his first day of freedom.
    After reading this book to my students I will bring in a large box to symbolize the box that Henry traveled in.  I would have each child get inside the box one by  one so they can see what it felt like for Henry to travel to freedom.  I will then have all of the students write about what it felt like to be inside that box. I would have them imagine they were being shipped somewhere, where would they be going and what would that journey be like.

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