Modern Fantasy: The Magic Bon Bons from the book Tales of Magic for kids, Edited by Peter I. Kattan:

    This is a story about a woman named Claribel and she dreams of being on the stage one day.  She wants to have some kind of talent, but she is not a talented person.  One day she decided to seek the help of a wise chemist who specializes in magic spells.  When she confides in him about wanting to be on stage he creates for her a potion in the form of candies.  Each of the five candies will make her talented in a different area. The five candies are: lavender= better dancer, pink=better singer, white=better actress, chocolate=better pianist, lemon= better high kick.  On the day that she receives them she decides to go to the store and go shopping, but accidentally leaves them there.  Another young girl in the store accidentally picks them up and takes them home with her.   That night everyone in her household ate one except for the mayor, who had come over to have dinner that night.  Everyone started freakishly breaking out into song or dance or whatever talent they had eaten the candy for.  The mayor leaves horrified by the way that family had been acting.  Later that week he is about to give a speech and finds the lavender candy in his pocket and decides to eat it.  Right as he is starting his speech he begins to break out in to gracious dance and the whole crowd is horrified.  Claribel quickly realizes that he has eaten one of her candies and so she yells out for him to be arrested.  In the end, Claribel gets the chemist to make her another batch and she goes on to be a successful dancer.
    I would use this book in the classroom because I think it is a great way to expand the student’s imaginations.  As an activity I would have the students write a creative story about if they had five magic bon bons.  They would have to describe what each of them would do and how it would affect them.  Also, I would have them write about what the consequences of these magic bon bons would bring upon them. 

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